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research assistant, Department of Central Banking and Financial Intermediation, Faculty of Economics and Sociology


Researcher and lecturer:

Conducting didactic classes in the field of finance and accounting (including personal finance, financial advice, real estate financing in practice and basic accounting)

Conducting scientific research in the field of economics and finance (including on transformations in the financial market, research on the banking sector, consumer protection in the market of financial goods and services, or ethics in finance).


Rewolucji 1905r 39 room: T404 Łódź 90-214 Łódź


16:00 - 17:30|Remote office

Economics and finance


2016 - Bachelor's degree, University of Łódź, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, majoring in Finance and Accounting
(Bachelor's thesis entitled Financial services dedicated to customers 50+ in the perspective of silver economy).
2018 - Master's degree, University of Łódź, Faculty of Economics and Sociology.
(Master's thesis entitled, Actions of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in the perspective of decisions on violations of collective consumer interests in the banking market).
Currently - PhD in economics, University of Łódź, Faculty of Economics and Sociology.


2015-2016 - participant of the course "Independent accountant on commercial books- accounting course 1st and 2nd degree"-.
Accounting Training Centre, Łódź.
2016 - 2017- participant of the course "HR and Payroll Specialist"- Accounting Training Centre, Łódź.
2016-2017- participant of the course- "Chief Accountant- accounting course 3rd degree"- Accounting Training Centre, Łódź.
2017 - Polski Instytut Księgowości Sp. Z o.o. in Łódź- assistant for human resources and payroll and accounting.
2018 - Tate & Lyle Global Shared Services Sp. z o.o. Łódź.


2016-2018 - participation in the project: Student Finance Clinic - SKF - operating at the Institute of Finance
Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Łódź - project implemented with the National Bank of Poland as part of the economic education programme.


2016 - University of Lodz : distinction for undergraduate thesis written at the Institute of Finance in the academic year 2015/2016 (IF Gold and Silver Feathers);
2018 - Medal for commendable studies



Paduszyńska M., Piguła E., – Factoring as a Special Means of Financing SMEs’ Activities – The Case of Enterprises in The Lodz Area,
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe/ Journal of Finance and Financial Law, vol. II, no. 3, Nr 3/2015 s. 103-117.

Paduszyńska M., Zbyszewski S.,– Istota i znaczenie odwróconej hipoteki w obliczu starzenia się społeczeństwa polskiego,
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe/ Journal of Finance and Financial Law vol. III, no. 2, Nr 2/2016, s.21-36

Paduszyńska M., – Istota oraz znaczenie ochrony konsumenta we wspieraniu stabilności systemu finansowego, 2017 Vol. 2(6),
Journal of Capital Market and Behavioral Finance, 2017, Vol. 2(6), s. 21–34.

Paduszyńska M.,– Narzędzia wspomagające analizę procesu decyzyjnego na różnych etapach rozwoju przedsiębiorstw, 2017 Vol. 3(7),
Journal of Capital Market and Behavioral Finance, 2017, Vol. 3(7), s. 27–39.

Paduszyńska M., Challenges of Monetary Policy during Crisis in the United Kingdom ,
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe/ Journal of Finance and Financial Law, Nr 1/2018 vol. 1(17): s. 9–19.

Paduszyńska M., Tendencje w nakładaniu kar pieniężnych na banki przez Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów na podstawie decyzji o naruszeniu zbiorowych interesów konsumentów, Przegląd Nauk Ekonomicznych/ Economic Sciences Review, nr 30/2018, s.129-139. http://bazekon.icm.edu.pl/bazekon/element/bwmeta1.element.ekon-element-000171529198